Assista a esta sessão se quiser ficar a conhecer como fazer o melhor uso da informação obtida pelo System Center Operations Manager 2016, Operations Management Suite (OMS), Applications Insights através do Power BI! Como resultado, ficará mais capaz de “extrapolar os limites” dos dados de monitorização sobre uma variedade de cenários em soluções “Cloud” –

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Unleash Your Cloud Insights

Cette session s’adresse aux utilisateurs/supers utilisateur et a pour but de démontrer les capacités de Power BI pour Desktop en terme de traitement des données. Power BI Desktop propose un des meilleurs environnements de sa catégorie pour la préparation des données, la transformation de données et de la modélisation de données. Dans le cadre de

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[FRENCH] Data modelization with Power BI for desktop

Office 365 is powered by more productive apps than ever before when compared with SharePoint on-premises. In addition to the user interface and evolving collaboration landscape, this session will cover all the Office 365 collaboration tools and technologies such as Delve, Office 365 Groups, Power BI, Access and SharePoint with no-code and browser based configurations.

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Power Users Guide to Office 365

Project Online and Project Server provide easy, yet powerful, reporting options to create a variety of projects, resources, and portfolio reports. Learn how you can create real-time reports and dashboards using tools such as Microsoft Excel , Excel Services, Microsoft PowerPivot, Power View, and OData. You will learn : BI Reporting Project Online Management  Project Cost Office

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Power BI and Reporting in Microsoft Project Online

With SharePoint as the business collaboration platform of choice for the enterprise, it has become an important piece in the overall Microsoft BI stack. However, deploying and configuring it to support Microsoft BI solutions has become a cumbersome task for the IT professional. In this session, you will learn what it takes to successfully architect

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Configuring SharePoint 2013 as a Business Intelligence Platform