In this webinar, myself and Microsoft MVP Vijai Anand have done a deep dive on Kaizala Extensibility and Programmability. While Kaizala as a mobile application provides a whole lot of functionalities that allows small and medium businesses and enterprises to get work done, it also supports extensibility that allows you to integrate it to existing

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Overview of Microsoft Kaizala Extensibility and Programmability

As Enterprise Social Networks or ESN become more the rule than the exception, more and more people are connecting at work. Yammer, Teams, Groups, SharePoint, Facebook for Business, Slack, Jive and Chatter are some examples. How do you implement social collaboration in your organisation and how does it fit in with your Office 365 strategy?

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Digital Workplace Success Pillar 7 – Social Technology Strategy

Microsoft Office 365 brings us many choices about how we communicate, collaborate and coordinate. Office 365 Groups simplify the provisioning of the tools we need to work together. The first and most important choice concerns how we communicate. This presentation will compare, contrast and constructively criticize the communication choices of Groups for Outlook, Yammer and

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Comparing Conversation: Groups for Outlook, Yammer and Microsoft Teams.

The session talks about what is Yammer, Yammer Apps, Yammer Apps in SharePoint, Rest API, JavaScript SDK, Yammer Embed, Open Graph, integration with other platforms like Azure.(The session will be updated to current situation and some new stuff) You will learn : What is Yammer Yammer main structure Integration with SharePoint Yammer Apps possibilities Yammer

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Build your own Yammer App