
Everybody is talking about “How to fix performance issue’s” caused by the NodeRunner Process, but I was wondering what it actually did.

What is NodeRunner?

Noderunner.exe (Microsoft SharePoint Search Component) is a component of SharePoint 2013 Search managed by the SharePoint Search Host Controller Service, and each Noderunnerprocess hosts one of the following Search components;

  • Crawl
  • Content Processing
  • Index
  • Analytics
  • Query Processing
  • Search Administration

Noderunner.exe is the new executable of search service on SharePoint 2013. Each component having its own independent NodeRunner Process as you can see below:

The path of NodeRunner.exe is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Search\Runtime\1.0

How to fix the memory leak caused by NodeRunner?

To fix the Memory leak issue, or to fix SharePoint performance issue with search service applicationwe can follow these steps:

1-    Open the SharePoint PowerShell window and execute the below command

Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService –PerformanceLevel Reduced.

2-    Open the config file at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Search\Runtime\1.0\noderunner.exe.config and change the value ofmemoryLimitMegabytes in noderunner node to some other value other than 0, say 100 or 200 which sets the cap limit for memory to be used.

<nodeRunnerSettings memoryLimitMegabytes="250" />

By Default it is set to

<nodeRunnerSettings memoryLimitMegabytes=”0″ /> here 0 means unlimited use of RAM

3-    Finally Restart the “SharePoint Search Host Controller” service

You can find such information here also

About the author 

Ajeet Kumar Singh