
Managed Navigation is the new concept which is introduced in SharePoint 2013. Managed terms can be used for navigating to Pages but it does have a few limitations. One of the major limitations is that there is no OOB way to apply security trimming. However, I found one!

To achieve this please follow these steps:

  1. In the Pages Library, Edit Page property to update the Managed metadata column ( Wiki Category can be used  for the same purpose).

2. Once the Page is tagged with specific Metadata, open up the  Hidden Taxonomy List and break the permission for this List (here you have to make sure that , the Page and Managed Term has same unique permissions)

So Navigate to siteurl/Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList/AllItems.aspx  and find  for the metadata term , for which the page was tagged for

3. Hit ‘Shared With’ –> ‘Advanced Setting’  and provide unique permission to this term , so that this term will be visible to only particular group or user.

About the author 

Swati Jain