
I faced this issue and just wanted to pass on the resolution. I added the CA service role to 2 of my app servers and wanted to remove it from my WFE. So to accomplish this I used CA UI and moved on (few days ago). Today I noticed that the status was still ‘Stopping’.

Since there is no way to rectify this using the UI we must use PowerShell. I run the following to get a list ServiceInstance ID’s and Status of the service for Central Administration:

Get-SPServiceInstance | Where-Object {$_.TypeName -eq "Central Administration"} | select Status, Id

The Status – Unprovisioning is the one we see in the UI. So, lets stop this thing for good since we have what we need to do it.

Get-SPServiceInstance | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq "e70c1e8f-418f-4cad-9605-2cfe40743564"} | Stop-SPServiceInstance


Commit by typing “Y”. Go back to your UI and you will see that the service is stopped.

Thats it. The above should work for any service that is stuck in a ‘stopping/starting’ state. Hope this helps someone.


About the author 

Jason Smallwood