*** MELINDA MORALES will be Co-Speaker for this session*** The problem with SharePoint governance is: Where do you begin? While there’s plenty of content and vendor solutions out there, people want a model that they can understand, and then actually implement. Following the four pillars of practical governance (Foundation, Administration, Communication, and Adoption), this session will

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Implementing the Four Pillars of the SharePoint Governance Maturity Model

Durant cette session nous verrons comment améliorer la navigation, la structuration et la trouvabilité des données dans SharePoint en mettant en place de bonnes métadonnées.De plus nous verrons que ce travail permettra aussi de préparer l’arrivée du Microsoft Graph. You will learn : théorie des métadonnées différents types de métadonnées différentes structures de métadonnées les

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[FRENCH] L’importance des métadonnées pour votre entreprise

Attendees will gain an understanding of the practical approach for SharePoint/O365 governance through an all new framework and lessons learned through my experience with strategy implementation at Sony Electronics. They will receive examples of tools and methods used for implementation and understand how to evaluate their own organizations using the governance maturity model. With an

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Share the Burden. A Practical Approach for SharePoint Governance in Office 365.

Governance remains one of the most important practices for any SharePoint owner. With new services, cloud and SharePoint 2013, the complexity is growing and the need for a standardized methodology is evident. Anders have been specializing in SharePoint Governance since he left Microsoft in 2007 and is the author of the SharePoint Governance Framework methodology.

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Building an operational SharePoint governance practice